German Intervention

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Nazi Germany occupies Austria (the so-called Anschluss) on 15th of March 1938. The treaty referred to as the Munich Betrayal or Munich Dictate was signed in Munich on 29th of September 1938. Representatives of four countries: Neville Chamberlain (Great Britain), Édouard Daladier (France), Adolf Hitler (Germany) and Benito Mussolini (Italy) reached an agreement that Czechoslovakia would have to concede border lands by the 10th of October 1938.


Simultaneous events

1938 Moving


The family took some of the furniture and additional furnishings from the Villa to Switzerland. Gustav Lössl (born 1904), the chauffeur-caretaker, remained in the Villa up until the beginning of September... read more


1938 Departure for Switzerland


Grete Tugendhat left with the children for Sankt Gallen in Switzerland in May 1938. The oldest daughter Hanna left directly for England to visit her father Hans Weiss and joined the family in Switzerland... read more


1938 Departure for the USA


Ludwig Mies van der Rohe left for the USA and took up the position of head of the school of architecture at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) in Chicago. He also established his own office here... read more