110 years ago, on the 16 May 1903, daughter Greta was born in the family of textile industrialist Alfred Löw-Beer in Brno. After her first unsuccessful marriage with industrialist Hans Weiss (1922-1928), at the end of July 1928 she married Brno native Fritz Tugendhat, whom she had known since childhood and who came from a family of textile merchants. Newlyweds Tugendhat decided to build their own villa on a plot of land at the top for Greta’s parental villa which was presented to her by her father Alfred Löw-Beer in March 1929. In late 1930 they moved into their new house which was designed by architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Although the Brno architectural scene was formed by outstanding architects between the two world wars, Mrs. Greta wanted to address this particular artist whose work she had encountered during her stay in Germany. Thus she unwittingly enabled the emergence of an exceptional house - a work of art that is recorded in the history of world architecture.