On Wednesday, 28 January 2015 at 19:30 a film screening will take place at the Villa Tugendhat, dedicated to a crucial work of the history of world cinema: Ten Days that Shook the World. The film screening will take place on the technical floor of the building and will be accompanied by live music, provided by Miloš Rejsek and Jan Ibe Uiberlay.

The film, also known under the name Oktyabr, captures the events of the Great October Revolution and its director Sergei Eisenstein considered the best work of his career. The opening twenty minutes of the film undoubtedly belong to the most memorable moments in film history and are a brilliant interpretation of the ideas of the Russian montage school.


The ticket price is CZK 250,- / person.



Reservations at info@tugendhat.eu or 515 511 015/017.

The capacity of one screening is limited to 40 people.

Stiletto heels are not permitted in the interior of the villa.

You can download a poster here.